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1. Name
2. Date Commissioned
3. Date Retired
4. Rank
5. Awarded Wings
6. Flying Schools
7. Aircraft Types Flown
8. Decorations
9. General
10. RNAS / RAF Rank
1 January 1900
Transferred to R.A.F. 1 August 1919
Major (Acting Wing Captain) R.M.L.I C.M.G D.S.O
7 December 1911
Short Biplane (Gnome), Maurice Farman, BE2.
Nieuport Monoplane, Henri Farman 412, Short Tractor 413 etc
D.S.O. 8 December 1915. (T/Maj. Sqdn Cdr. RNAS)
"In recognition of services on the occasion of operations against the " Konigsberg". Was in command of the Air Squadron. Was indefatigable in his work and ran great risks in spotting and reconnoitring."
Commander of Order of the Redeemer (Greece) 14 September 1918
C.M.G 1 January 1919
C.B 1920
1914/18 War Medals. Mention in Dispatches four times
Robert Gordon was one of the Officers who qualified as a pilot before the Central Flying School was opened and followed closely on the heels of Gerrard. He was originally a Squadron Commander in the R.F.C. dated 31 Decemeber 1912 but on 15 August 1913 he was in the RNAS as Squadron Commander in Command of the Firth of Forth Naval Air Station. Here he is reported by "Aeroplane" of 22 January 1914 as being at Fort Laing making extended flights up and down the Forth in a Short Seaplane. On 29 January 1914 they report that he flew from Fort Laing in Short Seaplane N.42 and alighted at St. Andrews. Having damaged the floats the aircraft was taken ashore and fitted with wheels and flew to Dysart and on to Broomfield. By all accounts flying was a very pleasant and gentlemanly occupation in those days.
In Command Eastchurch Flying School August 1914 to 30 September 1914. In command Dundee Air Station September 1914 to May 1915. During the above period he was carrying out sea plane patrols in the North Sea. He then took command of the East African RNAS Sqdn in operations against the Konigsberg in the Rufigi River. The ship was finally destroyed on 11 July 1915 and he was awarded the D.S.O for his part.
He then served with the RNAS-Mesopotamia at KUT 28 September 1915 and CTESIPHON 23/25 November 1915 and escaped the investment of KUT. He returned with the relieving force in command of the Air Service in attempts to feed and relieve KUT. He was Mentioned in Despatches for both of these operations.
After this he was transferred to the Eastern Mediterranean and Aegian (1917 - 18). He was also in South Russia (Caspian Sea) in 1918 - 19 and was in charge of the operations to bomb Constantinople in 1918 in operations against the Turks. He was also in charge of the air operations in Somali land by the R.A.F. in 1920 for which he received the C.B.
Having transferred to the R.A.F. on 1 August 1919 whilst holding the RNAS rank of Wing Captain he was eventually promoted to Air Commodore on 1.1.25.
He retired from the R.A.F. on 26 August 1925 and died on 25 September 1954.
Squadron Cdr. 31 December 1912.(Temp Major)
Wing Commander 1 January 1916. (Temp Lt.Col)
Wing Captain 23 August 1917
Flying Marines
A History of Royal Marines Aviation
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