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Albert Clarence ST CLAIR-MORFORD
1. Name
2. Date Commissioned
3. Date Retired
4. Rank
5. Awarded Wings
6. Flying Schools
7. Aircraft Types Flown
8. Decorations
9. General
10. RNAS / RAF Rank
Albert Clarence ST CLAIR-MORFORD
1 September 1912
Died as a result of a firing range accident 4 May 1945
Major General C.B.E. M.C
Not recorded. Probably 1917
Not recorded
Not known
Military Cross. 14 November 1916.
“For conspicuous gallantry. He carried out a difficult patrol with great coolness and brought back useful information. On a later occasion, he was severely wounded in successfully carrying out another hazardous reconnaissance."
C.B.E. 27 June 1941. Half yearly honours list.
1914 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, Kings Silver Jubilee Medal.
A.D.C 5 August 1942.
A.C. St Clair-Morford was the only R.M. Officer to fly in the R.F.C. although Orde-Lees was also in the R.F.C. developing parachutes, but he was not a pilot.
He was severely wounded in 1916 whilst serving with the R.M. Brigade in France. On recovery he volunteered for flying with the R.F.C. on 7 July 1917. Although no records have been traced, apparently he had a reputation for reckless flying, in fact is possible that recklessness was the cause of his death years later.
He returned to Corps Duty on 6 January 1919 and continued in normal R.M. appointments ashore and afloat until retiring on 1 October 1943. However he was almost immediate recalled for service on the Staff of A.N.C.X.F., followed by Staff of Naval Comdr Eastern Task Force. After this he was appointed in Command of R.M. Military School, Thurlestone on 15 august 1944. It was here that he was killed when he unfortunately looked out of a tank hatch on the live firing range and was hit in the head a bullet.
Not Known
Flying Marines
A History of Royal Marines Aviation
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